Serving at Christ Community Presbyterian Church

We believe that everyone in the church has gifts given by Christ and is called to ministry! Ministry, after all, means service and there are many ways to serve at CCPC, some of which are listed below. If you would like to learn how you can serve at CCPC and use your gifts for the glory of Christ and good of others, please contact the church office at or speak to someone when you attend worship.

Some practical opportunities for ministry include: Nursery, Sunday school, hospitality, meal preparation, Deacon's helper, worship set up and clean up, music, ushering and greeting, administrative help, Church Life Committee, Christian Education Committee, Finance Committee, Building Search Committee, Missions Committee.

Ways to Serve

  • Worship

  • Children's Ministry

  • Small Groups

  • Ushers & greeting

  • Hospitality Team

  • Finance Comittee