What to Expect
When you arrive, you will be welcomed by a greeter who will give you a worship bulletin containing the order of service for that morning. All music to be sung, responsive prayers and creeds, and the text for the sermon, are printed in the bulletin.
Sunday School is available for ages 2- adult after the service. There is a nursery available for children ages 0-4. During the week, a Psalm study, community groups, women’s group, men’s group, and mother’s prayer group for adult children meet regularly throughout the year.
You will see a wide range of attire, from jeans and casual shirts to jackets and ties, and will likely feel at home in anything you choose.
Visit Us
We worship at:
Farmington Baptist Church
155 Mountain Road,
West Hartford, CT
In Fellowship Hall, Lower Level, Access is from the Stop and Shop parking lot
Sunday Worship 9:30am Sunday School meets from September to early June after the service for ages 2 years - adult
*ALL parking is in the Stop and Shop lot located next to the church, please do not park in the upper lot.
Contact Us
Email: admin@christcpc.org
US Mail
Christ Community
Presbyterian Church
PO Box 271704
West Hartford, CT 06127